Most sources mention three or four groups. We will use a division taking into account four types of intentional key phrases. Educational informational phrases The first type of intentional phrases are informational phrases also called educational phrases. These are phrases entered by users who are looking for an explanation of a given term or want to obtain information on a specific topic. These are people who are at the stage of defining their needs and problems. Examples of information phrases would be: What is glazed stoneware? How many calories does fudge have.
What does a copywriter do? How is root canal treatment performed? In the case of information phrases blog articles and guides work best . A welldeveloped text consistent with the user's intention optimized for key phrases gives you a chance to rank zero in photo retouching organic search results . Users are very happy to use such snippets. Navigation phrases Navigation phrases are used by users whose intention is to on a given company's website. Such a user knows what and where he is looking for. Using navigation phrases he can find a specific subpage on a specific website he does not have to visit the home page and browse the menu.
Examples of such phrases would be: return of goods Mydlarnia Impregnation for window sills Pracownia Kamień stplace formula. Commercial phrases Commercial phrases are most often used by users planning to purchase a given product or service. A potential client knows more or less what he needs but wants to get a few more pieces of information. Such phrases may be: brown curtains in a small living room opinions plants for the balcony that do not require care the best glass doors for the toilet. Transaction phrases The intention of the user entering a transaction phrase into the Google search engine is to make a purchase.