Even with artificial intelligence and automatic transcribing making audio more accessible, episode descriptions give your show important advantages. content in order to retain the audience. Informative and well-written episode descriptions have a positive effect on SEO. Make sure they contain elements such as: Short, relevant, and engaging episode titles Properly formatted text with paragraphs, headings,
and bullet points Responsive music player Links to relevant pages on Vietnam Email List your site or reputable online resources on social networks or via different messengers Podcast app icons or buttons Importantly, embedding alt texts and basic metadata in images can increase SEO results by -%. Quick Steps to Run SEO & PDO Far from all SEO and PDO tasks require great attention to detail and a strategy as such.
There are some basic actions that every podcaster can take in order to boost the audience’s scale to the product. Here are some quick steps that can help your show: Place your shows in top catalogs; Promote your podcast on social networks; Add a link to the podcast website to your social profiles; Ask other people to share a link to your podcast or platform; Collaborate with other podcasters by inviting each other to participate in the shows.